Tag: What is your why?

  • The importance of personal memory on Remembrance Day

    The importance of personal memory on Remembrance Day

    Wherever you are in the world today, take a moment to remember. Memories can serve as a powerful reminder for future action. Take the day to reflect. Love from CW. In our digital age, we have increasingly outsourced memory to electronic devices. Without technology, many of us no longer remember where we need to be…

  • Be bold! Join, start or share in a social movement

    Be bold! Join, start or share in a social movement

    OK – its time to answer the question I hear most often asked of me. ‘What do you do?’ My answer is sometimes, ‘I am retired’. To that, I get a round of laughs. Surely that cannot be true, I am too young for that, etc. Recently, this very thing happened to me, upon meeting…