Body & Spirit
There is no disputing that maintaining good physical health yields all sorts of benefits. Yet, we often approach this part of life in fits and starts instead of staying on a slow and steady course.
This is a lifelong lesson, which I’ve had to relearn a few times. For me, the act of intentionally paying respect to the movement of my body, particularly while outside in nature, lifts my spirit as nothing else can do. After a brief session, I can easily get into creative flow.
Emotions & Thoughts
Accepting that a range of emotions is part of a healthy and creative lifestyle has been a
breakthrough for me. No longer do I try to think myself out of a bad mood? Rather, I work with the energy I feel in my body and use it for creative tasks.
Writing with no particular purpose is a surefire method to diminish some of the angst I tend to hold onto with strongly negative emotions.
Money & Work
More than ever in history, meaningful and profitable work can also be innovative and creative. Even jobs which seem to be highly prescriptive are made more enjoyable by approaching the work with a measure of creativity and curiosity.
Cultivating this kind of attitude reaps all sorts of other rewards, even when it comes to managing something as
structured as personal finances.
Social & Environment
This is a lifelong lesson, which I’ve had to relearn a few times. For me, the act of intentionally paying respect to the movement of my body, particularly while outside in nature.
I no longer try to think my way out of a bad mood. Rather, I work with the energy I feel in my body and use it for creative tasks.