Year: 2019



    This is a comprehensive guide to hand lettering, with everything you need to know to begin TODAY. Creating beautiful letters is really an art form of sorts. Hand-eye coordination and a certain aesthetic are necessary. But all that can come later. The only important thing is to begin. Enjoy this Daily Find, love from CW. In…

  • Beautiful Handwriting Samples Will Make You Want To Practice Your Penmanship

    Beautiful Handwriting Samples Will Make You Want To Practice Your Penmanship

    What can I say? I love to look at handwriting, even if it is not ‘classically’ beautiful. The fact that a person formed the letters with thought and intention is such a treasure in these modern days. Enjoy this Daily Find, love from CW. These days, we type more than we write. Letters to friends,…

  • 9 Incredible Ways Writing By Hand Benefits Our Bodies And Brains

    9 Incredible Ways Writing By Hand Benefits Our Bodies And Brains

    I have long believed in the power of writing by hand. For me it is ‘mental flossing’, just like taking care of my dental health. I write the words out of my mind and onto the page, first thing in the morning. There they stay, safely tucked away in my journal pages. Enjoy this Daily…

  • The Handwriting of Famous People

    The Handwriting of Famous People

    Handwriting was like a calling card, a personal reflection of personality. The formation of script was a gift, from one person to another. Those were different times. Enjoy this Daily Find, Love from CW. The Romans were among the first to develop a written script, and their penmanship was round and even. In the Middle…

  • The Art of Handwriting

    The Art of Handwriting

    Have you ever thought of handwriting as an art form? Maybe not, but for those who practice diligently, this can be achieved. I love the fact that the result is practical and beautiful! Enjoy this Daily Find, Love from CW. Taiwanese art teacher turned renowned penmanship expert Yeh Yeh is transforming the simple act of handwriting…

  • DIY Handmade Paper Experiment

    DIY Handmade Paper Experiment

    Take a walk through human history and learn how to add your mark. Literally. Handmade paper could not be easier to do yourself. Challenge yourself to step into the handwork and making process of our ancestors. It is not difficult and the results can be stunning, once you get the hang of it! The intriguing…

  • Here’s How to Make Handmade Paper from Recycled Materials

    Here’s How to Make Handmade Paper from Recycled Materials

    These instructions are comprehensive. Once the easier steps are mastered, it is time to move to the big leagues and make some paper that can be written on. Enjoy this Daily Find! Love CW. Making paper by hand at home can be a pretty simple process. It’s also a fantastic way to use up your old…

  • How To Make Beautiful Handmade Paper

    How To Make Beautiful Handmade Paper

    Supplies required for this project are pretty minimal, but the results are pretty nice, when it comes to handmade paper. Enjoy this Daily Find! Love CW. This is another one of those crafts I have always had a hankering to do but thought it just looked too difficult. Boy oh boy, I could NOT have been…

  • How to Make Your Own Paper

    How to Make Your Own Paper

    Start simple and don’t buy a bunch of supplies, just yet. Get familiar with the simplest techniques and move up as your skills develop. Enjoy this Daily Find! Love CW. While traditional papermaking methods require special equipment, such as a press, there are alternatives. If you are just starting out, or want to make small amounts of…

  • The handmade paper that lasts 800 years

    The handmade paper that lasts 800 years

    It is fantastic that some ancient arts of making things by hand, survive the test of time. Take a walk down memory lane in Vietnam. Enjoy this Daily Find! Love CW. On the veranda of a home in Suoi Co, a rural Vietnamese village about 45km southwest of Hanoi, two women were squatting around a…