Month: July 2020
How to create your personal strategic plan and align your actions toward what is most important to you
Smart goal setting starts with ‘S’ and being strategic or specific. This work is not difficult, but it will take some time. The first step in Smart goal setting lays the foundation for other 4 parts. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! A personal strategic plan is a clear plan for achieving your goals. The…
Is saving money sexy?
The reason I ponder the idea of saving money in relation to the social stigma attached to it, is complex. Coming of age in the 1980’s was a confusing time for opposing social messages. On one hand you had, ‘The Wealthy Barber‘ published in 1989 in Canada and just before that in 1987, ‘Greed is…
How to Develop Intrinsic Motivation Skills for Life and Finances
Having intrinsic motivation to save for a future way off in the distance is tough. The world seems to be set up for immediate gratification. But the juice is worth the squeeze in this case. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Intrinsic motivation is a key component to success in any venture. Whether finding motivation…
Pay Yourself First: Reverse Budgeting Explained
Payroll deductions are a great first step, but to follow the 50/30/20 rule, savings of 20% might require an additional top up. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Most budgets are built around your expenses. But the pay-yourself-first method flips that approach on its head. With this reverse budgeting strategy, you build your spending plan…
The Scandinavian Secret That Could Make You Happier and Wealthier
Imagine if the idea of taking only what you need guided your thoughts around consuming and therefore left you with more money to save? Welcome to Scandinavia. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! If happiness were a competitive sport, Scandinavian countries would take the gold (and silver and bronze) medal. According to the World Happiness Report…
How Your Native Language Shapes Your Health and Spending Habits
Have you ever considered if the language you speak has implications for your ability to save money? Futured or futureless features in our native tongue seem to make a difference. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Do you to prefer to save up your money for the future, or splurge on something you want right now?…
‘Kakeibo’: The Japanese art of saving money
The Japanese have a different concept for many different life activities and they are always designed simply so they are easy to follow. Enjoy this DailyFind, Love from CW! In 2017, I decided to quit my job working for a London publisher and move to Japan. I enjoyed my work and had a great social…
Create your own home office rules
This is the time to create your own home office code of conduct. If you think about it, this is a golden opportunity, one that may not come around again. While you also need to uphold all the values and goals of your employer, in your home office – you are in control of your…
Improve Your Workflow: 10 Best Kanban Tools of 2020
Welcome to Kanban – it will change your life. If you have space to be old school with colored sticky notes, go for it. Otherwise, check out these digital solutions. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Kanban is a project management and workflow method based on a work management system developed in Toyota manufacturing plants…
Top 7 Collaborative Online Whiteboard Tools in 2020
With a home office set-up complete, add the digital tools that enhance collaboration. A whiteboard collaboration program is key to creating a connected working environment. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! An online whiteboard is defined as a visual-aid tool that allows real-time collaboration among two or more people using a digital white-board, with basic…