Author: Christine Westermark

  • Crack on With Creative Balance

    Crack on With Creative Balance

    No matter who you are or where you live, the beginning of a calendar year heralds in a sense of newness and perhaps some fresh starts. Not everyone goes in for resolutions or starts up in the gym with renewed vigour. However we are all forced to acknowledge the change of number in the year,…

  • My Future Self is Sun Kissed With Toes in the Sand

    My Future Self is Sun Kissed With Toes in the Sand

    The building challenge for today was to bring 2 minifigures from different sets together. In my little collection here in the UK, I have very few different sets to bring together and therefore not many minifigures to choose from. The main source I have is the ‘Everyone is Awesome‘ set and bringing any one of…

  • Can LEGO® Create Personal Ethics?

    Can LEGO® Create Personal Ethics?

    The LEGO® challenge for today was to build a sphere. Specifically the smoothest sphere possible. The definition for smooth is ‘having an even and regular surface; free from perceptible projections, lumps, or indentations.’ That was generally what I had in mind when I started. Without looking up the actual meaning of smooth beforehand, I assumed…

  • LEGO® Daily Builds & Creative Inspiration Words for 2023

    LEGO® Daily Builds & Creative Inspiration Words for 2023

    It is such a comfort to open a new diary and turn to the blank page of a fresh start. Running my hand over the smooth surface before any plans or expectations are laid down. The prospect of what could be is a wide open space yet to be filled in. The potential for the…

  • Learning Your Team: Identifying Learning Styles for Better Training

    Learning Your Team: Identifying Learning Styles for Better Training

    Everyone learns differently, which makes it important for managers to identify each employee’s learning style. Whether a worker is a kinesthetic, auditory, or visual learner will determine the optimal method to use when training them. Failure to do this could mean underutilizing or overlooking talent that exists within our organization. By choosing the right program,…

  • Use Your Work and Learning Styles to Build Better Professional Relationships

    Use Your Work and Learning Styles to Build Better Professional Relationships

    Everyone has their own unique preferences, habits, and strategies for getting work done. These range from small things—like you can’t concentrate without ambient noise—to bigger ones—like you’d rather sit in a two-hour presentation about a topic than read a 50-page report about it. The better you know your personal work style, the more you can…

  • 8 Types of Learning Styles to Know As a Presenter

    8 Types of Learning Styles to Know As a Presenter

    According to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences , everybody has different types of learning styles to help them comprehend new information. There are 8 learning styles in total, ranging from visual to auditory and more. As a presenter, it’s important to have a good understanding of each of these types of learning styles so…

  • The Models, Myths and Misconceptions – and What They Mean for Your Learning

    The Models, Myths and Misconceptions – and What They Mean for Your Learning

    It’s tempting to try to pin down one “perfect” way of learning. But it can also be dangerous. Everyone’s approach to learning is based on a complex mix of strengths and preferences. And we absorb and apply new concepts, skills and information in different ways at different times. So, however helpful it would be to…

  • Do you understand the 4 learning styles in the workplace?

    Do you understand the 4 learning styles in the workplace?

    Just as in the classroom, you will encounter various learning styles in the workplace. That’s largely because people differ in how they prefer to receive information. By better understanding learning styles at work, however, you can communicate more effectively — especially when training someone on a new procedure or helping them improve their performance on…

  • The 4 different types of workplace learning styles

    The 4 different types of workplace learning styles

    Article It’s no secret that some of the most successful companies today are the ones that have fostered a diverse workforce. Over the years, studies have shown businesses that bring together people of different backgrounds, perspectives and talents result in a competitive edge and even higher profits. While gender and ethnicity are critical components of…