Tag: After Covid-19

  • #10 Will Covid-19 Change Human Ethics?

    #10 Will Covid-19 Change Human Ethics?

    Will humans, the world over, make meaningful and impactful changes in the wake of the pandemic? Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! I think back to a conversation I had in February of 2020, standing in a hotel lobby in Munich, Germany. I was there for an annual winter trade show where brands in the…

  • Ultimate Test of Delayed Gratification

    Ultimate Test of Delayed Gratification

    Friday March 13, 2020 was the day that we were asked to work from home for an unknown length of time. Fast forward, heading into the twelfth week, it seems like getting back to a workplace where people meet each other with a hug, after such a long time apart, is going to be the…

  • Will Covid-19 Change Human Ethics?

    Will Covid-19 Change Human Ethics?

    I think back to a conversation I had in February of 2020, standing in a hotel lobby in Munich, Germany. I was there for an annual winter trade show where brands in the sporting goods industry exhibit the latest and greatest product ranges. The news which was flooding our email, social feeds and the lobby…

  • A new kind of world peace?

    A new kind of world peace?

    [et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to…

  • COVID-19 and a New Way to Be Happy

    COVID-19 and a New Way to Be Happy

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if we placed wellness at the top of our to-do list going forward? Starting with ourselves, family and friends and then continuing to radiate outwards. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Diseases point the way to the future if we pay attention. This holds especially true of the global outbreak of…

  • The COVID-19 pandemic – opportunity to transform the way we live

    The COVID-19 pandemic – opportunity to transform the way we live

    David Suzuki highlights fundamental learnings as a path forward. I appreciate his insights and wisdom at a time like this. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Can we relearn what humanity has known since our very beginnings — that we live in a complex web of relationships in which our very survival and well-being depend…

  • Happiness in the Age of COVID-19

    Happiness in the Age of COVID-19

    I am hopeful that human happiness will continue to be top of mind in the coming weeks, months and years, above the GDP or other economic indicators. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! The UN website about the 2020 World Happiness Report FAQ says that COVID-19 poses great risks to some of the key drivers…

  • Rethinking Our Relationship to the Natural World After Covid-19

    Rethinking Our Relationship to the Natural World After Covid-19

    A new turn of phrase – “we are all in this together” needs to live on and help us create a new way of living in balance with nature. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! It’s hardly surprising that the survivors of such catastrophes often attributed their misfortunes to the anger of various gods over…

  • Designing Happier, Less Stressful Lives After the Covid-19 Pandemic

    Designing Happier, Less Stressful Lives After the Covid-19 Pandemic

    It is my way of looking at the world – with a glass half full. Keeping with that idea, it is a perfect time to reflect and create a new future. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! A few years ago, I had a wake-up call that put my life on hold — my appendix…