Tag: Be the change

  • Creative Solutions: Needed & Not Easy

    Creative Solutions: Needed & Not Easy

    It is hard to create a solution for a problem that we do not agree even exists. There is a gulf of inequality between people that is like an elephant in the room. There it stands but nobody knows how to begin the conversation. Instead we strive to keep going and pretend the thing, (that…

  • Racism and Public Health

    Racism and Public Health

    Please take the time to click through and read this full article. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW. Canada remains a nation where a person’s colour, religion, culture or ethnic origin* are determinants of health that result in inequities in social inclusion, economic outcomes, personal health, and access to and quality of health and social…

  • To cure racism, treat the disease — not the symptoms

    To cure racism, treat the disease — not the symptoms

    Please take the time to click through and read this full article. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW. Recently, I saw a patient because he had started coughing up small amounts of blood. I discussed the patient with one of the medical students. He felt that that the patient’s diagnosis was hemoptysis; basically, coughing up…

  • U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism

    U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism

    Please take the time to click through and read this full article. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW. The United States is in crisis. As we write this article, videos of racial violence and racist threats toward Black people in America flood social and news media channels. Public demonstrations against injustice are happening in at…

  • Fellow White People, About Your Inherent Racism

    Fellow White People, About Your Inherent Racism

    Please take the time to click through and read this full article. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW. I know you’re tired of seeing these posts. As white people, we are tired of hearing about it because it doesn’t affect us. Because we know we can commit a petty crime and not wonder if we’ll…

  • Confronting racism is not about the needs and feelings of white people

    Confronting racism is not about the needs and feelings of white people

    Please take the time to click through and read this full article. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW. I was leaving a corporate office building after a full day of leading workshops on how to talk about race thoughtfully and deliberately. The audience for each session had been similar to the dozens I had faced…

  • Be the Change Generation Z

    Be the Change Generation Z

    Finally a generation is starting to come of age who is going to change the world. I’m not proclaiming something unique. There are plenty of articles floating around the internet which summarize the main characteristics of this cohort. If you are not lucky enough to have one living in your home, go online and find…