Tag: Conscious consumption
The Power of Money
More often than not, buying stuff leaves me with a pang of anxiety. This feeling is a leftover from years of conditioning. I was meant to learn, ‘how to manage money’, with my first jobs. By having and spending, children are supposed to become comfortable with the process of money flowing in and out. But,…
Footprint is proving that sustainability can scale
Getting behind businesses that are tackling environmental problems, like plastic packaging, in a big way – is the path forward. Along with each consumer making better daily choices, we can meet our carbon reduction goals. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Few things make America’s plastic addiction seem as urgent as walking through a Phoenix-area…
Conscious consumerism is a lie. Here’s a better way to help save the world
It is always a good idea to shake up assumptions with a different point of view. There is something fundamentally strange about doing good for the planet through increased consumption. As with all things in life, there is a balance. Being well-informed will help. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Are you really turning organic…
Circular Economy TED Radio Hour
5 TED talks sampled into one interview where the host asks the central question about the cost to society of an ever growing economy. Speakers present some elegant solutions – I particularly like fellow Canadian David Katz who created Plastic Bank. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! We’re told if the economy is growing, and…
Designers, Students Get Creative for Final Cradle to Cradle Product Design Challenge
I love this idea where products are designed from the beginning with ideas around how the components can be repurposed, recycled, or disposed of easily. Such a simple idea. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! More than 150 designers, sustainability professionals and students from 17 different countries recently competed in the sixth and final Cradle…
Conscious Consumption
Becoming aware, or conscious of what goes into the goods we buy is an interesting process. It is a shame that widespread transparency is not the normal business practice, yet. For now, it can be a creative quest for information. Hope you enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! The journey of our “stuff” begins long…