Tag: Creative habits

  • Emotional formula for creativity

    Emotional formula for creativity

    “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”   – Albert Einstein I’ve been looking for the secret emotional state which drives creativity. I want to know the proven formula to manifest creativity at will. Surely there is a state of being or some habit which is a precursor for the best…

  • The Influence of Emotions on Creativity

    The Influence of Emotions on Creativity

    Feeling all emotions that come up and using them to drive creativity in various forms is a key insight here. Be sure to watch the TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson – ‘Do Schools Kill Creativity?’ Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Understanding the complexity of life can be an especially fruitful journey towards psychological…

  • Creativity at the Crossroads: How Ambivalence Frees Your Mind

    Creativity at the Crossroads: How Ambivalence Frees Your Mind

    I can finally stop feeling embarrassed by feelings of ambivalence. I seriously thought there was something wrong with me. Who knew that could be a driver of creativity? Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Creativity comes in many forms: finding new ways to manage a toddler’s temper tantrums, painting a portrait which moves observers, or solving…

  • 8 paradoxes of creative people

    8 paradoxes of creative people

    For a person who likes to plan and be organized, the idea of a messy mind as a driver for creativity is intriguing. It sure explains a few things for me. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! I heard Penn researcher and Ungifted author Scott Barry Kaufman speak recently about redefining intelligence at Idea Festival,…

  • The Emotions That Make Us More Creative

    The Emotions That Make Us More Creative

    I’ve often wondered what the best emotional state of mind is to be creative? For sure I assumed being happy or having positive feelings were key to driving creativity. Read on, and get ready to be creative under the influence of a variety of emotional states. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Artists and scientists…

  • Design thinking: Creativity, innovation and empathy in the 21st century

    Design thinking: Creativity, innovation and empathy in the 21st century

    I wish that my education had been focused on learning how to solve interesting problems, rather than serving up the one, correct answer by rote. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Take a look inside revolutionary companies like Apple and Google and you’ll see more than bright minds creating innovative products and tools that change…

  • Empathy-first will fuel your creative process

    Empathy-first will fuel your creative process

    Given how important empathy is in our modern world, both in the way we treat each other and for creating a better future, why are we not teaching a full course on this in school? Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! What has empathy got to do with creativity? Being a highly empathetic person I…

  • Discover the Importance of Self-Empathy

    Discover the Importance of Self-Empathy

    Brene Brown tells us that self-compassion or empathy directed at ourselves is the antidote to perfectionism. But, how ‘to-do’ self-empathy? Read on and enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! The Empathy competency enables us to interpret unspoken emotions and to understand a range of perspectives. With empathic concern , our understanding of others extends to…

  • What’s Empathy Got to Do with Creativity?

    What’s Empathy Got to Do with Creativity?

    Empathy was hard for me, particularly towards myself. Little did I know how much of a creative unlock, being more empathetic was. Enjoy this DailyFind, love from CW! Let’s start by being real. Creativity is not hard. Neither is empathy. They are both natural human impulses. Watch what a child does when presented with crayons…

  • Why grown-ups love coloring books too

    Why grown-ups love coloring books too

    If the idea of ‘flow’ is new, try starting small with activities that promote ‘micro-flow’. The benefits from something as simple as colouring and doodling cannot be understated. Hope you enjoy the Daily Find, love from CW! Anyone who has appreciated a meditative mental drift while knitting or mowing a lawn knows that there is something…