Tag: Drawing
Do you enjoy these creative practices?
I am wondering what specific activities people consider creative? Where are the areas of focus? Is there a cluster of common practices or is it quite individual? Question #3 from my survey; this one is super interesting. When I put up the multiple choice answers, I focused on the things I was most interested in at the…
How important is creativity in your life?
Wow! 14 people have completed my survey – What does creativity mean to you? That is awesome, thank-you. If you have not taken the opportunity yet, please add your voice to the conversation! I am learning so much about what the creative experience feels like on a personal level. When I was thinking of the questions for…
Do you think of yourself as a creative person?
I’m curious. When someone says they self-identify as being creative, what do they mean? I think of myself as a creative person, I would use that label, or agree with it if someone asked me. I create all kinds of things and have creative thoughts. But, I was speaking with someone who I think is…