Tag: Happiness and Creativity

  • Dangers to Happiness in a Photoshopped World

    Dangers to Happiness in a Photoshopped World

    “It’s in our biology to trust what we see with our eyes. This makes living in a carefully edited, overproduced and photoshopped world very dangerous.”  ― Brené Brown Our world view has always been shaped by secondhand sources. Even back to the earliest days of human civilization, one person could not see everything with their own…

  • 25 Habits of Successful and Extremely Happy People

    25 Habits of Successful and Extremely Happy People

    What’s the secret to happiness? That can differ according to the person involved. But we do know that happy people have different habits and think differently than those who are miserable. So, the good news is, if you’re trying to be one of those happy people, recognize that that desired emotion comes from within and…

  • Is There a Link Between Creativity and Happiness?

    Is There a Link Between Creativity and Happiness?

    What makes you happy? What could transform your sad frown into a happy smile? Is it having material possessions? Your relationships? Your achievements? Perhaps. But how about working in some creativity in your everyday life? Experts say there is a link between creativity and happiness. An article from Huffington Post cited a recent New Zealand…

  • 14 Things That Make You Happy

    14 Things That Make You Happy

    Do you ever come across people who are always upbeat and no matter what life throws at them, they just seem to roll with the punches? It’s quite possible they’re following a formula for happiness. The good news? You can increase your own happiness quotient too by doing these 14 things that make you happy:…

  • What Is Cognitive Bias?

    What Is Cognitive Bias?

    A cognitive bias is a systematic error in thinking that occurs when people are processing and interpreting information in the world around them and affects the decisions and judgments that they make. The human brain is powerful but subject to limitations . Cognitive biases are often a result of your brain’s attempt to simplify information…

  • How Expectations Undermine Our Relationships and Happiness

    How Expectations Undermine Our Relationships and Happiness

    “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.” ~Bruce Lee. A few years ago, my husband was away from me for a few weeks, working in another town. It was summer, and we were living close to the beach at the…

  • What We Get Wrong About Happiness

    What We Get Wrong About Happiness

    It’s commonly said that happiness can’t be bought. But it can, apparently, be learned through an online course. Laurie Santos, a professor of psychology at Yale, began by teaching college students everything they needed to know about the pursuit of joy. The original class, titled “Psychology and the Good Life,” was launched during the 2018…