Tag: Morning pages

  • Journaling to Clarity, Creativity, and Well-Being

    Journaling to Clarity, Creativity, and Well-Being

    I started to write in a journal regularly in July of 2017 after I left my corporate job and headed out for a year of travel. I had a bunch of emotional unpacking to do and nothing I tried seemed to be working until I started writing every morning. Once the trip once was finished, I…

  • How To Journal For Self-Improvement

    How To Journal For Self-Improvement

    In my elementary school there was a block of time, first thing in the morning devoted to writing in a journal and then silent reading. At the time, I thought the task was easy and stupid. I suspected that the teacher just wanted us to sit quietly so she didn’t have to do any work.…

  • 9 Incredible Ways Writing By Hand Benefits Our Bodies And Brains

    9 Incredible Ways Writing By Hand Benefits Our Bodies And Brains

    I have long believed in the power of writing by hand. For me it is ‘mental flossing’, just like taking care of my dental health. I write the words out of my mind and onto the page, first thing in the morning. There they stay, safely tucked away in my journal pages. Enjoy this Daily…

  • A year of the morning pages

    A year of the morning pages

    July 2, 2017 I wrote my first 3 morning pages. Sitting on our back deck in the sun, diligently following the instructions of Julia Cameron. She prescribes 3 pages, no more, no less. Writing must be done in long hand. Julia only had a hunch about why that was important, the brain research would come…

  • “quit belly-achin’ about what isn’t working”

    “quit belly-achin’ about what isn’t working”

    Isn’t it funny how we do this? I also think of ‘belly aching’ as rumination. Either way, in a modern life these kind of thoughts don’t produce any value. Not like a cow, where ruminating makes the bits of food break down until they are finally digested of all their nutrients and the waste is…